Sunday, June 3, 2007

Advocacy Paper

Working on the advocacy paper has been something that I was a bit nervous about since writing it for parent's is something that I know little about. Not having kids of my own, except in the classroom I don't feel that I not as a parent have the right to tell parents what to do.

Writing this paper though really isn't about telling people what to do it is giving ideas more like common sense thought about what you should do when you ahve children.

I'm looking forward to seeing what are final paper looks like. Writing it using the WIKI is cool as it allows me to be able to see and others to what we are all writing. Pretty cool

1 comment:

Wen~ said...

I think this is what collaboration is all about! Imagine the possibilities.
As far as our position paper, we're not telling parents what to do. We're helping them find ways to help their children.